The Influence Of Product Quality, Price, Sales Promotion On Customer Satisfaction In Skincare Product
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This study aims to determine the effect of product quality, price, sales promotion on customer satisfaction on skincare products with a research time of 6 (six) months from March 2021 to August 2021. In obtaining data in this study, a survey method with Likert type was used. . In selecting respondents, purposive sampling was used, namely by considering several criteria, selected respondents who lived in the Greater Jakarta area and used skincare products for 3 (three) months. This questionnaire was tested on 200 respondents. Then the data is processed using simple linear regression analysis technique with IBM SPSS 22 software. The results of the simple linear regression equation show product quality to customer satisfaction Ŷ=13,373+0,350X, price on customer satisfaction Y ̂=13,450+0,330X and promotion on customer satisfaction Y ̂=13,058+0,352X. From the results of hypothesis testing, it is known that there is a positive and significant effect between product quality on customer satisfaction, a positive and significant effect between price on customer satisfaction and a positive and significant effect between promotions on customer satisfaction with skincare products.