The Influence of Promotion, Brand Image and Brand Awareness towards Purchasing Decision Janji Jiwa Coffee.

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Alex Juan Daniel
Ryna Parlyna
Muhammad Yusuf


This study aims to gain knowledge and analyze the effect by collecting empirical data and facts that are true, valid, and reliable and trustworthy about the effect of promotion, brand image and brand awareness on the purchasing decision of kopi Janji Jiwa. With a survey method using Google Form and a Likert scale by purposive sampling, it was obtained as many as 200 respondents who were students of the State University of Jakarta who had purchased Janji Jiwa Coffee. This study uses simple regression analysis using quantitative methods. The results of this study are promotion, brand image and brand awareness partially positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. All three have a coefficient of determination of 39.2%, 27.8% and 6.7%. influenced by other factors outside the variables in this study

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