The Influence of Third Party Funds, Credit Risk, Bank Capital Adequacy, and Bank Efficiency on Conventional Commercial Bank Credit Distribution

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Chairunisa Efendi
Etty Gurendrawati
Santi Susanti


This study aims to analyze the influence of third party funds, credit risk, bank capital adequacy,
and bank efficiency on conventional commercial bank credit distribution. In this study, 140
annual financial reports of conventional commercial banks were used as research samples. This
research uses a quantitative approach using secondary data in its statistical analysis. The data
source used comes from the annual financial reports of conventional commercial banks for
2018-2023 which have been audited and published on the official websites of each bank. The
research results show that third party funds, credit risk, bank capital adequacy have a significant
positive effect on conventional commercial bank credit distribution and bank efficiency does
not have a significant effect on conventional commercial bank credit distribution.

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