The Influence Of Viral Marketing, Brand Awareness, And Distribution Intensity On Purchase Decision Through Brand Preference In Mixue Consumers

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Muhammad Afriza Rifki Alfarez
Andi Muhammad Sadat


The aim of this research is to determine the influence of viral marketing, brand awareness, and distribution intensity on purchase decision through brand preference in mixue consumer. based on the results of the discussion of the viral marketing variable with brand preference, it shows that the virality of Mixue seems natural and non-commercial, as well as the content and creating new trends in the field, making consumers interested in buying drinks and recommending them to their relatives. Therefore, usually consumers who prefer the drinks offered by Mixue compared to other brands will recommend Mixue spontaneously. Then, based on the discussion between brand awareness and brand preference, it shows that consumers imagine the characteristics of Mixue products and the striking differences between outlets compared to other brands, creating a unique value for Mixue itself so that consumers will recommend Mixue to their colleagues as another reference or another option for buying drinks. which is different from the others. Then, based on the discussion between distribution intensity and brand preference, it shows that close access to consumers and wider outlets make consumers come and buy Mixue, and recommend Mixue to their colleagues because of the greater brand distribution and ease of reaching the market. Then, based on the discussion between viral marketing and purchase decisions, it shows that Mixue's virality makes consumers curious and buy Mixue products. Apart from that, information spread on social media can attract consumers to buy Mixue products.

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