The Influence Of Word Of Mouth And Price On Purchasing Decisions On Skincare Products The Originote
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This study aims to gain new knowledge and analyze the effect of word of mouth and price on purchasing decisions for local skincare products. This research was conducted in DKI Jakarta. For six months from August 2023 to January 2024. The method used is a questionnaire survey method with the population used is people who have bought local cosmetic products and live in DKI Jakarta. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique as many as 150 respondents. While the research analysis technique uses multiple linear regression, F test, and T test. The hypothesis of this study shows that: (1) there is a positive and significant influence between word of mouth on purchasing decisions, this hypothesis is proven by Word of mouth has a significant value of 0.005, which is <0.05 significant rate, it can be concluded that partially the word of mouth variable has a partially significant effect on purchasing decisions on The Originote skincare products in DKI Jakarta. (2) there is a positive and significant effect between price and purchasing decisions, this hypothesis is proven by Price (X2) has a significant value of 0.000, which is <0.05 significant rate, it can be concluded that partially the price variable has a partially significant effect on purchasing decisions on The Originote skincare products in DKI Jakarta. The multiple linear regression equation obtained is Y = 8.437 + 0.306X1 + 0.926X2. The effect of word of mouth and price on purchasing decisions for local skincare products obtained a coefficient of determination of 0.682 or 68.2%.