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Ichlas Firmansyah
Mohamad Rizan
Nofriska Krissanya


This research aims to determine the effect of Online Customer Review Analysis of Fashion Product Categories on E-Marketplace. This research was carried out on the internet network, carried out in the form of an online survey given to the people of Jabodetabek. In this research, this type of research uses descriptive research methods with a quantitative approach. Quantitative research is known as a research method carried out using numbers, starting from collecting research data, how to interpret the data, to how the results appear. The data collection method in this research used a questionnaire via e-form which was distributed widely online to 133 respondents. Data collection using e-forms is carried out online so that research results can be collected and processed more quickly and easily. Based on the results of research regarding "Online Customer Review Analysis of Fashion Product Categories on E-Marketplace". So it can be concluded that:The Intensity dimension in measuring the weight of the criteria score is included in the "Very Good" category with an average percentage of 93.66% and based on the interval level average score measurement it is in the "Useful" category with an interval score of 4.17. The Valence of Opinion dimension in measuring the weight of the criteria score is included in the "Very Good" category with an average percentage of 97.01% and in measuring the average score at the interval level it is in the "Useful" category with an interval score of 4.17. The Content dimension in measuring the criteria score weight is included in the "Very Good" category with an average percentage of 96.83% and in measuring the average interval score it is in the "Very Useful" category with an interval score of 4.22.

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