The Determinant Of Financial Self-Efficacy In The Decision To Use Qris (Quick Response Indonesian Standard) As A Digital Payment

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Vya Rima
Umi Widyastuti
Ayatullah Michael Musyaffi


The study incorporates four key variables: Perceived Ease of.Use, Perceived Usefulness, Financial Self Efficacy, and Decision to Use. The research was conducted within the Jakarta Special Capital Region (DKI Jakarta) and employed a quantitative research approach, utilizing a Likert scale for measurement. The target population comprised individuals from Generation Z, aged 17-27 in Jakarta, with a purposive sampling method used to select 284 respondents. The research applied the Structural Equation.Model (SEM) for analysis. The findings suggest that both Perceived.Usefulness and Perceived.Ease of Use have a significant and direct impact on Financial Self Efficacy. Additionally, these two factors also have a substantial and direct.influence on the Use. Furthermore, Financial Self.Efficacy directly affects the Decision to Use.


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