The Influnce of Financial Literacy and Digital Literacy on Financial Behavior with Financial Attitude as an Intervening Variable in Culinary MSME in Bekasi City

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Sulistia Watiningrum
Karuniana Dianta Arfiando Sebayang
Siti Fatimah Zahra


The purpose of this study was to determine financial literacy and digital literacy on the financial behavior of culinary MSME players in Bekasi City with financial attitude mediation. The population in this study were business actors registered at the Bekasi City Cooperative, Small and Medium Enterprises Office using the Purposive Sampling method and the sample used was 100 respondents. The research method used is SEM-PLS with the help of an application program, namely Warppls version 7.0. The results showed that financial literacy has a positive and significant effect on financial behavior, digital literacy has a positive and insignificant effect on financial behavior, financial literacy has a positive and significant effect on financial attitude, digital literacy has a positive and significant effect on financial attitude, financial attitude has a positive and significant effect on financial behavior, financial attitude can mediate the indirect effect of financial literacy on financial behavior, and financial attitude can mediate the indirect effect of digital literacy on financial behavior

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