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Tubagus Muhammad Ghifari Rachman
Agung Kresnamurti Rivai P
Andi Muhammad Sadat


The purpose of this research is to analysis of customer satisfaction on the ovo and dana application. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. A qualitative approach was used with the aim of better understanding customer satisfaction with digital wallet users. The subjects of this research are two digital wallet applications in Indonesia, namely OVO and DANA. The method used in this research is a case study. According to Kriyantono (2020) a case study is a research method that uses a lot of resources (as much data as possible) to comprehensively investigate, analyze and explain various aspects such as individuals, groups, programs, organizations or events with a systematic approach. The data source for this research is a primary source. Data analysis in this research uses the Miles and Huberme model. The activities used in data analysis are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. Based on the results of processing and analyzing research, the following conclusions can be drawn: The conformity of expectations on the OVO and DANA Applications is very good. The features found in OVO and DANA can cover many things so that they suit your daily needs. OVO and DANA are also very helpful in everyday life so that it becomes easier and more efficient. Interest in purchasing or reusing the OVO and DANA applications is very good. Customer satisfaction results for OVO and DANA Application users are very high. There were also no differences found in terms of suitability of expectations, interest in buying or reusing and willingness to recommend to OVO and DANA Application users. OVO is slightly superior to DANA because OVO is connected to the Grab Application, making OVO slightly more useful than DANA. Apart from that, the small number of odd cases on social media regarding OVO is also a factor in OVO being slightly superior to DANA

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