The Influence of Career Development, Job Happiness, on Organizational Citizenship Behavior With Organizational Commitment As A Mediation Variable In Satkor Koarmada I TNI AL

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Permadi Sobana
Corry Yohana
Karunia Dianta Arfiando Sebayang


The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 has indirectly accelerated the world of work and human resource behavior in Indonesia. Studies in the field of human resources (HR) continue to grow and become more and more interesting. Humans in this case the workforce are used as subjects and also objects in HR studies to get new things that can be used as a source of increasing HR capabilities. One of the new aspects in the HR field is OCB (Organizational Citizenship Behavior) behavior. The research methodology used in this study is a quantitative method with non-probability sampling. Determination of the sample in this study using a saturated sample technique, where respondents were selected based on the criteria built by the researcher. The respondent's criteria are members of Koarmada I who have worked for at least 2 years, where this will be stated in the Screening Questions at the beginning of the questionnaire. The data used is primary data. Furthermore, the data will be processed using Structural Equation Modeling used to analyze the data that has been obtained from Koarmada I in this case to test the magnitude of the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable and determine the role of commitment as a mediating variable. So that the choice of the most effective strategy is obtained to encourage OCB behavior

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