The Influence Of E-Perceived Value And E-Service Quality Toward Repeat Purchase Intention With E-Satisfaction As Mediation Variable: A Study On Users Of Restaurant Application At DKI Jakarta
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The purpose of writing this research is to test the positive and significant influence of e-perceived value and e-service quality on repeat purchase intention through e-satisfaction as a mediating variable. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire method which was distributed online via social media platforms such as whatsapp, Instagram, and twitter. The objects taken in this research are respondents who have made transactions through restaurantapplications at least once a year as well as respondents who live in DKI Jakarta and are 17 years old. The sample used in this research was 303 restaurant application users. This research uses SPSS version 25 software for validity and realibility test and SEM (Structural Equation Model) from Lisrel 8.80 software to carry out the analysis and processing of research data. The result obtained in this research show that e-perceived value, e-service quality, e-satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on e-satisfaction. Also, e-perceived value and e-service quality have a positive and significant effect on repeat purchase intention through e-satisfaction as a mediating variable