The Influence of User Interface Quality and Information quality on Customer Loyalty mediated by Customer engagement on Tokopedia Application Users
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This study aims to: 1) To find out and analyze the effect of user interface quality on customer engagement on Tokopedia application users 2) To find out and analyze the effect of information quality on customer engagement on Tokopedia application users. 3) To find out and analyze the effect of customer engagement on customer loyalty on Tokopedia application users. 4) To find out and analyze the effect of user interface quality on customer loyalty on Tokopedia application users. 5) To find out and analyze the effect of information quality on customer loyalty on Tokopedia application users. 6) To find out and analyze the effect of user interface quality on customer loyalty mediated by customer engagement on Tokopedia application users. 7) To find out and analyze the effect of information quality on customer loyalty mediated by customer engagement on Tokopedia application users. Data collection method using Google Form. The samples taken were 232 respondents. The subjects of this study were users of the Tokopedia application. Methods of data analysis using descriptive analysis, validity, reliability, suitability, hypothesis, and mediation tests.